Monday, May 4, 2009


One of the greatest joys in this life is spending time with my soul mate. Being married for 25 years this June is another. And being the parents of 2 grown adult children is equally as rewarding.We managed to be "empty nesters" for a time and then entered the stage of life known as boomerang. This condition occurs when one or more of your adult children returns to the nest for financial or emotional reasons. My friend Linda had warned me this might happen because Allen and I became empty nesters at such an early age, 44 & 45 respectively. Linda too has experienced this very common stage. I left home at age 19 and did not move back in with Mom & Dad.
Although we are experiencing a certain loss of privacy right now, we are reaping the benefits of engaging conversation with our grown children. We have outrageous vegetarian meal nights, boating adventures and laughter that we wouldn't trade for anything. It is great fun to reminisce over the good old days when the kids were young. They really got into having pool parties every summer, bonfires in the fall and our annual Christmas Eve/Christmas morning festivities.

I know that having Jordan and Bethany home is but for a season. It is a good season; one my husband and I will cherish until this season passes and a new one begins. I have a feeling Summer 2009 will be a summer to remember. Boomerang!


karen said...

An unforgettable boomerang season it will be:)

Unknown said...

i am pretty excited they are here!