Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Soaps by Deni

My goodness it's been so long that I cannot remember the last time I posted anything, so here we go. I am going to share my story, one that I feel may lend some support to those of you who suffer from chronic medical conditions.
Around the time I turned 39, my body decided to give out on me. I could no long read fine print and had to get bifocals. This was totally unfair, as everyone had told me that your eyesight typically goes down hill after 40! Case in point, I paid a small fortune for new glasses with hidden bifocals and Crizal lenses. My cheapo reading glasses from Walgreen's were no longer going to cut it.

Which brings me to medical issue number two. I was diagnosed with an unusual form of arthritis that caused swelling in my hands, feet and various other body parts. My family doctor was stumped and sent me off to the rheumatologist. I was diagnosed with RA negative vague spondylitis and handed a prescription for anti-inflammatory drugs.

Problem #3. I had always been a girl who tinkled 15 plus times a day. I just did and I often woke up at night with bladder pain and pressure. Diagnosis: Interstitial Cystitis. Sigh...not just over-active bladder that could be treated with Detrol or Ditropan. No, I had to change my diet and seek the help of a urologist and begin a new regime for this disorder. Seriously<TMI, I know, but this was my life at age 39!

Which brings me full circle to medical issue #4. I developed allergies or sensitivities to any number of things, most troublesome were highly fragranced laundry detergenst, body washes, soaps, latex, adhesive tape (Band-Aids), perfumes and the ilk. I scratched myself silly, especially at night when my histamine levels were going haywire. My urologist explained that there was a connection between the bladder and the amount of histamine your body releases. I tossed the ALL detergent, bathed in Aveeno and decided to try organic goat milk based soaps.

The rest may be history folks. My bladder is now a-okay thanks to the marvels of modern science. My RA & OA, well, that's an ongoing battle. My eyesight continues to change every year but I am thankful for multi-focal contacts and my expensive glasses.
I can no longer bathe with Victoria's Secret or B,B, Works products. I make my own 5 gallon buckets of laundry detergent every few months and use a little pure essential oil to add some mojo.

Last November I made my first batch of Honey & Oatmeal soaps and have since thrown my self in the realm of Natural & Organic Soap for myself and others. My company is called "Soaps by Deni" (say Denny) and I am loving it. No more itching and scratching myself to death. Check me out on Facebook or email me if you want more information. Life is always full of ups and downs and really I wouldn't trade the last nine years of medical issues for anything since I'm now doing better and have a product line I can be proud of. So, if you have sensitive skin or just like "organic" soap, check us out or email me at

I'm hoping to launch a website soon but in the meantime, I ship anywhere in the US, and accept paypal. My current lineup of soaps includes: Honey Oat, Honey Oat Almond, Lemon Lush, Citrus Blast, Funky Sister (patchouli), Cucumber Melon, Sage & Spearmint, Coffee n Cream, Coconut, Coconut Ginger, and a few others. That's it for now! As my husband says, If it makes Me Itch, it's not in going to be in there. Only pure essential and fragrance oils used.

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