Monday, October 26, 2009

Obsessed with Jesus

We might be a little obsessed with Jesus in this family of ours. We have a Jesus candle that we burn in the kitchen on cooking nights, we blare worship music from top to bottom, my husband has an amazing collection of Jesus t-shirts and yes, we have the Bible in 5 translations too. If I understand my relationship with Christ correctly (and his kingdom too), I should be obsessed with Jesus. Not as a great teacher or a guru or even as my friend. None of that or this is enough. He wants all of me... and that requires great sacrifice on my part. I Love all of the statements Francis Chan makes in his book, "Crazy Love" that describe my desire for bringing his kingdom to earth.
Obsessed: To have the mind exclusively preoccupied with a single emotion or topic.

Be a lover. People who are obsessed with Jesus give freely and openly, without censure. Obsessed people love those who hate them and who can never love them back.
Be a Risk Taker. People who are obsessed with Jesus aren't consumed with their personal safety and comfort above all else. Obsessed people care more about God's kingdom coming to this earth than their own lives being shielded from pain or distress. I so want to grasp this concept! It's not about ME and it never will be about me.
Be a Friend of All. People who obsessed with Jesus connect them with the poor in some way or another. Obsessed people believe that Jesus talked about money and the poor so often because it was really important to him (1 John 2:4-6; Matt. 16:24-26).
How many times during the week do I help people in need? How many people in need do I even know? How many times do I give to people who could never repay me back?
Be Humble. A person who is obsessed with Jesus knows that the sin of pride is always a battle. Obsessed people know you can never be "humble enough, " and so that seek to make themselves less known and Christ more known. And finally, for this blog post anyway...
Be a Server. People who are obsessed with Jesus do not consider service a burden. Obsessed people take joy in loving God by loving and serving His people (Matt. 13:44; John 15:8).
To be obsessed is a great thing. To be obsessed with Jesus is just the beginning.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rock Star

God is a Rock Star in my book. Anyone who can set the universe in motion and create a beautiful night sky rocks. Last night Allen & I had the privilege of relaxing in our hot tub while glancing up at the moon, millions of stars, planets and constellations. As my husband likes to say, it doesn't get much better than this and I agree. Yeah, He's a Rock Star alright.


Greetings all:
Just wanted to give a shout out regarding my last two posts, Stumbling and Doink!!! I would never want any readers to think that I was trying to imply that God was a big, angry meanie who likes to beat us over the head with scripture or Doink us upside the head when we mess up. If anything, he gets a bad rap. Any questions, just ask.
Until next time, breathe.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Have you ever read a book that so messed with your head you couldn't sleep right for days? Or perhaps heard a message, or something so profound that you thought, "Doink!" Now why didn't I think of that myself or why did I never see this before? Maybe it's like that Aha moment Oprah talks about all the time. For me, it's like being hit on the head with a mallet.
My first wallop to my head came when I read the book, "CRAZY LOVE" by Francis Chan. Actually, I'm still reading this book--I can't get past Chapter 6!! Crazy Love was written for those who want more Jesus. It is for those who are bored with what American Christianity offers. It is for those who don't want to plateau, those who would rather die before their convictions do. I am being challenged in so many ways. Do I really appreciate how Holy God is? He hates sin, my sin grieves Him.
Do I understand His immense love for me or that He genuinely wants an eternal relationship with me as a result of mutual love---and not out of obligation?

Wallop #2 came in the form a sermon series Pastor David preached called, "Family Talk." Each message I likened to a Come to Jesus meeting. Am I willing to sacrifice everything in order to follow Jesus? Or better yet, if Jesus showed up at my house and said sell all you have, leave your family and follow me? Leave my family? But Lord? Yeah, tough stuff.

My daughter Bethany finds it amusing that I typically read 3 to 4 books at a time. I call it multi-tasking; she calls it crazy. But even as I am still processing Crazy Love, and the sermon series from NC, I crack open a copy of Donald Miller's Blue Like Jazz, Searching for God Knows What and my new favorite, Angry Conversations with God, by Susan E. Isaacs. I know the answers to these tough questions won't be found in the form of a Christian book but in digging deeper and letting God do His thing in my heart. Surrender. Wallop...Surrender...Wallop. I know there's another Doink just around the corner.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A very late update on my 101

Okay, so I attended my first USC game last Saturday and the Gamecocks won! All I can say is I look good in the team colors...

I had the privilege of being called a Food expert last month and having 2 recipes featured in an online food column. This counts in my book as being published again as a freelance writer. Kudos to Danielle Hier and Heather Evans for your help & encouragement.

Skydiving will happen in Chester, SC in November~there will be pictures to document my tandem dive!

I am off to Athens, Georgia tomorrow to eat, drink and make merriment.

Going to KENYA

I'm living out my dreams and fears this year and in 2010. As many of you know our daughters Bethany & Erin Titus (aka, Chancho, Ziegler daughter #2) are going back to Nairobi, Kenya in January for a one year internship. While there, the girls will work on revamping the child sponsorship program of CMF. Yes, we are letting our girls go for one year because they are being called to Kenya for a very specific mission. And yes as parents we will miss them terribly and pray for them to be used in a mighty way. Here's the thing, Allen & I plan to visit them in Kenya in the spring of 2010 for approximately ten days, maybe more. We covet your prayers as we make plans to go, to get all of the immunizations required for such a trip. We are sure it will be the experience of a lifetime... I am afraid of malaria, unsanitary conditions, goat stew and the smell of waste. But I am so looking forward to meeting Mary, Wallace, Keith & Kathy Hamm (missionaries) and my new friend Virginiah who works at the Hope Center. I cannot wait to fall in love with the children of Kenya, so please pray with us as we begin our journey to a beautiful place where GOD is big and my fears are small.
In his service,

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Isaiah 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it. "

I take medications at bedtime for various medical conditions. Typically, these meds knock me out and I sleep well. But occasionally, I wake up to make a mid-morning trek to the bathroom and well, I stumble out of bed, stumble down the hallway and into the bath. It's like the blind leading the blind because the bedroom is black, the hallway is black and I have to put my hands along the wall to feel my way along. I'm close to the road but off the path so to speak.

Have you ever stumbled in the dark trying to find your way spiritually? I know I have many times, more than I care to count. For me the nighttime stumbling in the dark is not scary, but it is clumsy and it is like driving bumper cars while groggy from sleep. I hit the wall and straighten up. Then I hit the wall again.

Funny thing is though that this stumbling around in the dark doesn't have to be. We have someone who lights the way before us. We have someone who reminds us, "This is the way; walk in it." And better yet, we have a shepherd to takes us by the hand and leads us in the paths of righteousness. I am constantly aware of my need for a brighter flashlight, a copilot, a shepherd and a hand to lead me. And maybe the next time I stumble down the hallway, I'll take the hand of the one who knows the way.
Psalm 119. 105--Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my clumsy path (paraphrase-emphasis mine).